So how do you make up for so many years of lost education time? Luke graduated from Grade 12 with an Evergreen diploma in June 2023. His formal education was 12-years of modified learning that was hit-and-miss. Way too many life skills classes and community service tasks and field trips. All good, but certainly not Algebra or Shakespeare. Fortunately, Luke was able to enjoy Law, Engineering, and 20th Century World History during his last semester. It’s a little more than frustrating to look back at all the wasted time. Sigh. But we move forward. The “change” needs to be in the diagnosis; the incorrect psychoeducational testing that relies on fine motor for its answers (speech / printing). The word “Apraxia” has never been considered for his whole 19 years—never once mentioned. I knew Luke was “in there” but no one could affirm it. Until I read the book “Underestimated”. And here he is, now finally freed. But again, I digress. We are now thrilled to fill Luke’s down time with Ted Talks! And he’s non-discriminate about the subject matter! We did a lesson on neurobiology which triggered flashbacks and then explanations about his neurotherapy sessions with Dr. Swingle (Vancouver). These many, many intense sessions were instrumental in reducing Luke’s seizure threshold to the point where we could wean him off the anti-convulsant medications. Naturally, I followed that lesson up with Ted Talks about neurobiology. He deep-dived down the rabbit hole of tech and stories about the brain. When I could ask him (with Madison’s help) what he thought about that subject, he replied “IT WAS SO INTERESTING”. So this is our “new” education… crash courses in everything… Ted Talk nutshells. Epic.
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