Can you imagine tasting colours? Eric tastes colours. This is a unique advantage to the already intriguing autistic mind. It’s called synesthesia. We were gifted a brief time in conversation with Eric Herzog recently in Calgary (Google him—he’s got a lot of YouTube videos and followers). This is where we learned that Eric absolutely loves red because it has the best taste?!?! Who knew? Fortunately, we were let in on this secret and Luke was able to change into his awesome red “I Am Groot” t-shirt (thanks for the shirt, Auntie Betty). These two “red” guys were able to enjoy a conversation with each other through Madison, their communication practitioner. It was just two guys shooting-the-sh*t. “How was your trip?” “I love your hair.” “Have you been to Mexico?” “What’s it like having a brother?” Luke’s answer was simply beautiful: “HE IS MY WHOLE HEART.” Two guys, just chatting. Eric said later to Madison, “Luke is one cool dude.” So are you Eric. So are you.