I was telling a friend about the awesome conversation Luke had with Eric, and a new friend Geoff... with Madison being the communication partner for all 3! My friend was so curious what these 3 guys had said to each other. I asked for and received permission from the guys to transcribe their conversation.

Eric: Hey, Geoff.
Geoff: Thanks for inviting me to join.
Luke: It’s great to have met you both.
Eric: Having a community is important.
Geoff: I agree, you guys make life brighter.
Luke: Maybe I should move here.
Eric: I support this idea.
Geoff: I think we are a dream team.
Luke: I think you should visit me too.
Eric: Anytime, I’ll be there.
Luke: My mom is already thinking of merch! [for the dream team]
Madison: Do you have a slogan, Eric?
Eric: Open Minds. Flourishing Voices.
Geoff: I need time to think.
Luke: Nope. Eric is a word wizard.
Eric: What is our mission?
Geoff: Meaningful education.
Luke: More advocacy.
Eric: Better quality of life.
Geoff: Luke, what is your passion?
Luke: I’m working on a novel [writing… is his passion]
Eric: That’s amazing, bro.
Geoff: Holy cow, cool!
Luke: I can send an advanced copy.
Eric: When will it be done?
Luke: Not for some time.
Geoff: That is inspiring.
Eric: Luke, when are you back next?
Luke: No plans yet. [Discussion about everyone visiting Luke in BC]
Geoff: Yes, count me in.
Eric: Only if Travis [Madison’s husband] comes too.
Geoff: Yes.
Luke: I like it.
Geoff: Do you ever go to Victoria?
Eric: Going in August.
Luke: No plans to go. I’m going to Seattle and Motormorphosis [Virginia].
Eric: What’s in Seattle?
Luke: Blue Jays game in Seattle.
Geoff: I am going to Toronto in May.
Madison: Are you going to a baseball game?
Geoff: Yes.
Eric: You guys are great.
Geoff: Eric come with.
Luke: Or come to Seattle.
Eric: Yes. [Madison said it’s the same weekend Soma is coming to Calgary]
Monique [Eric’s mom]: Would you [Eric] rather see Soma or Seattle?
Eric: The queen [Soma].
Geoff: Maddie is my queen.
Luke: She’s one of a kind.
Eric: Um, she’s okay [lol].
Geoff: Eric, how are you doing?
Eric: Having many seizures.
Luke: I heard, I’m so sorry.
Geoff: Me too, man.
Eric: Thanks for the support.
A short clip of part of their conversation: